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Gum disease is one of the most common diseases in the western world. It can be from bleeding gums causing minor irritation, all the way through to periodontal disease, causing bone loss and teeth to fall out. If caught early enough, it can be treated very effectively with good oral hygiene. As gum disease progresses, you will need more help to reduce the damage caused by plaque and tartar building up in the gap between your tooth and your gum. This can be from cleaning in between your teeth with floss and interdental cleaners or having a hygienist or a dentist perform a deeper cleaning underneath the gum line.

As gum disease progresses, tartar builds upon the root of the tooth. This will cause a gap between the tooth and the surrounding bone or the alveolar bone. As this eats away, the tooth will become progressively loose. The gums will be red and sore and bleed easily. Your dentist or hygienist may use a small tool to measure the depth of the pocket or the gap between the root and the gum. As this pocket depth increases, the tooth will become increasingly loose and gum disease will increase. You will be more prone to decay below the root surface and you will be in more pain from gum disease. This pain can be a mild discomfort, progressive bleeding, or teeth becoming so loose that they fall out or are encouraged to be pulled out.

But treatment can be done to help restore gum health. Removing this plaque that is building up underneath the gum line, although not very pleasant, is a short procedure that can be carried out by a dental hygienist. Once the bone level has reduced, it will not regrow, but the gum health can be improved by regular cleanings by your dental hygienist.