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Teeth should be brushed twice a day regardless of how many teeth are present. This should be the last thing at night and one other time during the day. This doesn't have to be first thing in the morning. Often, first thing in the morning is a very busy time when people are at their most busy. If the day allows you to have time to brush teeth when it is calmer and everyone is less busy and stressed, then do that. It's important to brush teeth last thing at night and after you've finished eating and drinking for the day. If you are supporting someone's brushing, stand with them, encourage them to look in a mirror and brush in a pattern using a small circular motion. Ensure each quadrant is brushed in turn over the two minutes. Brushing apps and brushing charts can help increase motivation to brush and increase the time brushed for. The type of toothpaste used can also increase compliance with brushing. Some people, for example, those with autism have difficulty tolerating certain flavours. Flavour-free, anti-foaming toothpaste is available, such as OraNurse.

Unlike flavoured toothpaste aimed at children, these have the correct amount of fluoride in for an adult, and being anti-foaming preserve dignity and decrease choking risk. Other kinds of toothpaste can be helpful to those with sensitivity or gum disease. Toothbrushes should be small headed with a soft to a medium bristle brush. If compliance and behaviour make brushing very challenging, then a Barman's brush may be of benefit. This cleans three sides of the tooth at once. Those with poor teeth and tongue control may suffer from pouching where food remnants get stuck in the buccal sulcus or underneath the tongue. Try to sweep the area with a thimble brush or children's toothbrush twice a day.