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As a person’s dementia progresses there tastes and eating behaviours can change. People may forget they have eaten and therefore graze all day or crave sweets foods and drinks which remind them of childhood. This can have an effect on their dentition leading to tooth decay. This can be helped by having a healthy snack with a low PH such as cheese and breadsticks and encourage juices and sweet drinks to be consumed at meal times only.  

Drink water throughout the day will also benefit them. Other complication for those with dementia can be dysphasia or swallowing difficulties not only can this lead to drastic change in diet it can mean that food and liquids, often pureed or artificially thicken spend more time in the mouth and in contact with the teeth. This prolonged exposure can be very damaging to the teeth enamel. The frequency of sugar or acid attacks on the teeth is what leads to damage to the enamel and tooth decay. If teeth are exposed more than four times a day they are susceptible to decay. 

Try to keep drinks between meals to water or milk and if someone is required to have smaller meals throughout the day or snacks have some sugar free, low acid options available such as small blocks of cheese and breadsticks. If deglutination is poor due to limited tongue control, then encourage sipping water with and after meals to help clear the mouth.