Diet and Dementia

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Diet and Oral Health Considerations for Dementia Patients

Changes in Eating Behaviour

As dementia progresses, eating behaviours may change:

  • Grazing Behaviour: Individuals may forget they have eaten and graze throughout the day.
  • Cravings: Cravings for sweet foods and drinks, reminiscent of childhood, can increase.

Impact on Dentition

These changes can affect oral health:

  • Tooth Decay Risk: Increased consumption of sugary foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay.
  • Preventive Measures: Encourage healthy snacks like cheese and breadsticks with a low pH. Limit sweet drinks to meal times and promote water consumption throughout the day.

Managing Dysphagia and Oral Health

Dysphagia can complicate dietary habits and oral health:

  • Prolonged Exposure: Food and thickened liquids can linger in the mouth, exposing teeth to prolonged contact and potential enamel damage.
  • Reducing Sugar and Acid Attacks: Limit sugary or acidic drinks and encourage water or milk between meals. Opt for sugar-free, low-acid snacks like cheese and breadsticks.
  • Improving Deglutition: Encourage sipping water during and after meals to aid mouth clearance, especially if tongue control is limited.